baby tooth

Pregnancy and Dental health ~ By Dr. Nour Seifeddin

Pregnancy is a time for smiling! It is also a time to pay special  attention to your teeth and mouth for the health of YOU and your BABY… Is It Safe To Go To the Dentist During Pregnancy? Yes , it is! and you should. However, the second trimester is the safest trimester to have dental procedures. Your dentist can help you with any pregnancy-related dental symptoms you might be experiencing. How Might Pregnancy Affect My Mouth? Most women do not experience any dental…

Baby tooth care every mother should know ~ By Dr. Nour Seifeddin

    This article helps every mom or mom to be to learn more about her baby s teeth as well as some important tips to help take care of his teeth properly. Don’t ever think that your baby s teeth are not important! Start Before Baby’s Teeth Come In Start cleaning your child’s mouth even before his teeth come in. Wipe the gums off after each feeding with a warm, wet washcloth or a dampened piece of gauze wrapped around your finger.This will…